CRI has officially joined the blogosphere! “Have You Herd” is a place where we hope to connect even more with our members and producers. At CRI, part of our mission is to…
"Provide products and services as effectively
as possible to maximize the profitability of members and customers worldwide
while maintaining a strong cooperative."
We hope to use this new blog to provide an
educational and informational outlet to serve those that read along. What is happening with CRI and its subsidiaries? How can I help make my farm
more efficient and successful? What is happening in Agriculture that
could affect my operation? Our
post will cover topics from A to Z in the Agricultural industry, as they apply to
our cooperative and subsidiaries. We also want to poll questions from you the
reader! If there is a topic that you would like to see covered, simply send
your request to or leave us a comment.
We hope
you enjoy our blog and are able to gain valuable information from our postings. Be
sure to subscribe and check in often for new posts! Thank you for
visiting “Have You Herd!”