Monday, December 10, 2012

Productive Life calculation changes effect the rankings....

Changes in the calculation of productive life evaluations resulted in lowered proof values, especially for higher ranking genomic-proven sires.  An excellent writeup on this change is available here! 
In summary, genetic correlations used in PL calculations were updated to more accurately reflect culling trends.  The positive correlation with DPR increased (as DPR increases, so does PL) as well as the negative correlations with SCS and size composite (as SCS and body size increase, PL decreases).  Correlations with UDC and FLC are still positive (as UDC & FLC increase, PL increases) but not as strong. 
AIPL looked at how these changes affected the top 100 NM$ genomic-only sires and also the top 100 progeny-proven sires from the August 2012 summary.  December 2012 evaluations for these bulls revealed average decreases of .9 months of PL and 53NM$ for the genomic-only sires as well as a decrease of .4 months of PL and 25NM$ for the progeny-proven sires. 


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