Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Today is the Day - Become an Agvocate!

Happy National Agriculture Day! Today is the day where you are going to (if you haven’t already) take back the narrative about who produces food in this country and the production practices that are used. Believe me, I know, you are REALLY busy, but it is imperative that we, as an agriculture community, start and continue to direct conversations, rather than allow those with no personal and/or scientific experience to do so. We know we utilize the best practices to ensure our animals and the land are cared for. We know there is some crazy juice pulsing through our veins that drives us to put in ridiculous hours in all types of weather conditions. We know the products we produce are wholesome and nutritious, but have we let others know? Now is the time. Get involved in social media and share your farm/ranch, and most of all, family story.

Here are 5 tips to help you get started.

Start with one platform. Don’t get overwhelmed by trying to do too much at once. Click here for A Quick and Dirty Guide to 10 Social Media Platforms for the Newbie.

Be authentic and highlight what you know. There are a plethora of wonderful ag people who have blazed the trail for you. Take a look at some of their sites to get an idea of what you may want to share. Here are two wonderful examples.

Post photos, links and short videos in addition to text.
 "Doesn't everyone wash their show calf in a swimsuit and mud boots?"

"Tonight's milking crew. We tried to get our Jersey to photobomb, but she just wasn't that into it!"

Respond to comments.  People young and old love to learn more about how the food they are consuming is produced. Worried about trolls? Here are three easy ways to combat them and ways to keep your community troll free.

Have fun. Did you just fall victim to the cow that decided to cough while you were walking behind? Turn that negative into a positive with a selfie. Your followers will love it, learn a little about the hazards of the job, and you will feel better about the grass and corn you may or may not have just ingested! 

Are you an experienced agvocate? Please share what has worked for you in the comments section below.

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